How to reverse a string in JavaScript


Watch this 2 minute clip. Scroll down to see each step with code samples.

Step 1: Create a string

Create a string using double quotes, single quotes or back quotes.

let s = '😮🐻🐯🦁';

Step 2: Convert the string to an array of characters

Use the spread operator (...) inside square brackets to create an array of characters.

let s = '😮🐻🐯🦁';
// ['😮', '🐻', '🐯', '🦁']

Step 3: Reverse the array

Use the .reverse() method to reverse the array.

let s = '😮🐻🐯🦁';
// ['🦁', '🐯', '🐻', '😮']

Step 4: Convert the array back into a string

Use the .join() method with empty quotes to recombine the array into a string

let s = '😮🐻🐯🦁';
// '🦁🐯🐻😮'

Step 5: Assign the result to a variable

Reversing a string is not permanent. Assign the result to a variable if you want the change to persist.

let s = '😮🐻🐯🦁';
s = [...s].reverse().join('');
// '🦁🐯🐻😮'